Friday, August 13, 2010

Sharing an article by Crystal Miller on Time Management....

Time Management
By Crystal Miller

My husband said to me the other day, "I wish there were 26

Hours in our day, then I could get everything accomplished!"

I had to laugh because I myself had those thoughts; if we

Just had more time we could accomplish much more or at the

Very least we could actually get enough sleep! ~smile~.

Well since we have no chance to increase the hours in our

Day we have to evaluate the time we have and how well we are

Using it. We need to ask ourselves, are we being the best

Steward possible of our time? Are we valuing our hours as a

Vital resource and using them as wisely as possible?

With the 24 hours that we do have in a day we know that many

Of those hours are already claimed. We need to sleep, eat,

Shower, relax, spend time with family and husband etc. After

These hours are subtracted what we have left is what we have

To work with each day.

To make the most out of each day begin to view your time

Differently. More time won't suddenly appear but being

Conscious of how our time is used during the day will help

Us to streamline and make better decision. I will share a

Few of my time management tips that I use and maybe it will

Help you in your goal towards better time management!

Become more efficient with your time. Take time to examine

How you do things and your methods and see if they can be

Altered to be time friendly. Can you do more than one thing

At one time? Can you combine trips and have only one or two

Days out of the house a week to run errands? Cook a double

Portion of a meal and freeze one for another day, wipe down

Your bathroom sink and counters at the same time in the

Morning that you are getting yourself dressed.

Train your children to help you. In the long run this will

Be one of the biggest time management helps to you. By the

Time my children are 10 to 12 years old they are completely

Responsible for their own rooms, their laundry, their sheets

And they have regularly assigned chores to do each day. Keep

Everyone on a routine and hold them accountable for their

Daily jobs. Do your chores at the same time as they are

Working to help increase moral and make sure everyone is

Staying focused. Don't forget to turn on some music while

You work! It does add to the enjoyment of what you are


Be aware of things that rob your time. Over commitment to

Outside responsibilities is a biggie! Keep a list of some of

The more important goals you have and refer to this when you

Are asked to participate in something. It may be a simple

Reminder to you of your priorities and it will allow you to

see if a commitment made will be in keeping with these


The telephone is another time robber. I don't have a message

Machine. The reason I don't have one is basically I don't

Have enough time to spend calling people back. If someone

Needs me they will have to spend the time calling me and

Catching me at home. Plus there is always email! Obviously

That method won't work for everyone but it works well for

Me. Unplugging the phone is another way to not allow time on

The phone to take up too much of your day.

Yet another time robber is too many activities for your

Children. I once had a key chain that referred to mom as the

"taxi driver". After awhile I got rid of this key chain.

~smile~ I did not want to be a taxi driver for my children.

I decided it was more important to help them learn to be

Content with more time at home.

Routines are my best time management tool. A routine helps

Keep your day on track. If you want to learn to manage your

Time effectively then a routine is a critical key to being

Able to follow through with your daily tasks. There is a

Difference between a strict schedule and a routine. A

Routine is a set daily habit of accomplishing your household

Tasks. Plan your daily routines to work for you. Don't

Compare how someone else manages their day. Work to find

What will accommodate your life.

Have a minimum amount that must get done daily and train

Your children to know what this expectation is. My children

Know that before anyone goes to bed the dishes are to be

done, the floors are swept, vacuumed and washed (that may be

more than most people would do but living in the country

with a houseful of kids means that our floors require a lot

of attention), the bathroom is wiped down and in order,

laundry is going each day, the clutter is picked up.

One last thought on managing your time is to be reasonable

about how much can be accomplished in your life. Keep your

priorities in order and remember that neither you nor I are

super-moms! We are just women with a heart for our mission

in life to love and care for our families. Don't take on

more than you can handle, don't expect more from yourself

than is reasonable. Work on those priorities that have the

greatest importance in your life. There may be another time

and season for other things you may desire to do or


Obviously time management is a proactive work! The day will

go by no matter what. The question to ask ourselves is; did

we use the time as well as we should have? Is there room for

improvement in the way we use our time? Are my expectations

on myself to high for my season in life? Keep your

priorities straight and make changes to your routine to help

you use your time as wisely as possible.

Copyright: Crystal Miller, 2005

About the Author:

Crystal Miller ( is

a mother of 8 children and enjoys her God given role as

wife, homemaker and mother! She has a homemaking and country

living web site called The Family Homestead

and has a free

monthly newsletter called Homestead Happenings. You will

find sign up information on her website.

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